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I missed you!

It's never too late.

And I mean flushed in the non-bathroom sort of way

Weighing my pockets with stones of longing

Especially when those days are Saturday and Sunday.

They always come crawling back

< 23 February 2005 >

Having resolved that I will not accomplish anything in the ten minutes before folkdance, I decided to post. Not that I necessarily have anything WORTH posting, but let's not squabble over the minutiae.

Today I had a nice little one-on-one with Professor Bill North during which I asked him why Christianity developed into a religion of proselytizing. We talked about growing up in families that were against organized religion, and he gave me a French pop CD. *excited squeal* However, as it is with all one-on-one meetings I have with professors, I left feeling like a nuisance. Ugh.

I have massive comps work to do tonight, and I'm just not feeling the spirit in me... Maybe after dinner. I just need to turn something in, for goodness sakes. Of course Patty came up to me at dinner, grinning and shouting, "Who handed in their comps today!?" and I just wanted to smack my head on the table. Repeatedly.

Had a characteristically short telephone conversation with my Dad today, during which we talked about a) the weather, b) our pets, and c) how he knows I have work to do and should probably let me go. That sums up about our entire relationship.

Am entirely too distracted by inner emotional turmoil to think consistently about work. Am also incredibly disappointed in the way my spring term is shaping up--I am going to have more credits to deal with than any other term during my career at this school. I guess I can hope that the work will keep me from being terrified about the future, but probably not.

Still no time to delve quite completely into the "Pourquoi tant de larmes" catch-up entries I have waiting for me. A little unsure of how I feel about it, considering Theo might be checking up on me, and I don't want to make him feel bad, though I guess it is one way to communicate my feelings without having to talk about it directly, which is maybe not such a good thing anyway... Confound this thing. I wish writing weren't so therapeutic when it also leads to many questions of "why do I want strangers reading this" "do I want strangers reading this" "what is the internet" etc.

Okay, time for stamp-o-mania.

Alors on s'habitue comme on s'habitue � tout, et puis on continue at 4:45 p.m.

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