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I missed you!

It's never too late.

And I mean flushed in the non-bathroom sort of way

Weighing my pockets with stones of longing

Especially when those days are Saturday and Sunday.

They always come crawling back

< 25 March 2005 >

Oh. My.

I think I have found the best reality TV show ever conceived.

If I watch any television at school next term, I really hope that this can be a part of that activity.

More on that in a second...

I am getting ready to go back to school tomorrow. I think it will be okay, but of course I wish I had more time to do some extra things. Not that I would give up my fun afternoon! I took Mom to work, had lunch with Dad, refilled my prescription and hit up Jo-Ann for some fun presents and necessary tools for the sewing kit... I'm sure that's just thrilling for you to hear about in detail, how I chose between the bone knitting needles and the metallic... *snort* It was fun though, and I was surprisingly thrifty!

Hill came over this afternoon and we both nearly peed ourselves we were laughing so hard. Thinking back on it now, I can't really remember what was so funny, but I guess that's the nature of our relationship--mysteriously entertaining. Spent a good half hour wowing about how Stevie, the kid in the hole from the X-files movie, is the main character in Friday Night Lights, which spurred more nostalgic X-Phile reminiscing and uncontrollable laughter up until my parents got home.

Hilly hugged my parents and headed out. In the hallway she was being super goofy, groping my armpits and horsing around with me. She said she wanted me to "come away" with her. *sigh* I'm going to miss my IC folks up at Carleton, but the nice thing is that I already know we held onto each other after dispersal to schools across the midwest, so I think graduation, while on a slightly grander scale, will not be much different. I have faith in us keeping in touch.

Talked to Mom tonight about the prospect of staying in Northfield to work for Carl over the first half of the summer, and she got really upset. I would love to have more experience with the project, but I would also really love to be at home, near my folks, with all my crafty supplies and everything (and to not have to pay rent!). I guess I should take advantage of one last go with my beloved Sweets and Treats... Alright. Guess I'll tell Carl how much I appreciated working for him, but head on home for my last chance before France (God willing).

Okay, so on with this reality show business! Any show that starts out with this message:
"WARNING: The following program contains footage of scantily clad hot men. Viewer discretion is advised."
has hilarity points in my book. This, of course, is the show "Mr. Romance." At first I shunned the prospect of parading men around like glistening oiled-up meat... But then I learned better. No, not really, but I mean come on! I'll try and explain myself here without sounding absolutely awful.

Fabio hosts the show. Last summer in Ely I was hanging out with my cousin Sarah and we were chucking it up about how Fabio writes his own romance novels. They all have one word titles like "Rogue" or "Pirate." A few afternoons ago, Hillary and I were at the library, and I made a bet with her about whether or not Fabio would be on the cover of his own book. (This one was "Rogue.") To my delight and horror, he was! Tonight I flipped on the TV for some noise while I was folding laundry, and right after a commercial break, voila Fabio in front of a huge oval mirror. He says, "People ask me: 'Fabio, can there be another Fabio?' The answer is 'No'." Then he winks, and this animated star twinkles over his eye. For those of you who know of my particular affinity for animated twinkling stars over... things... (The censored version of Barbarella, anyone? ...Anyone?), you can understand the sheer thrill of seeing this effect combined with that golden mane and fabulous accent! Be still my fluttering heart! *flops onto fainting couch*

But really, any show that can successfully make fun of itself and not just leave people nodding in agreement deserves some comic credit. I feel like "Mr. Romance" really tries to emphasize the individual personalities of each of the contestants. These are not just posterboys we're dealing with, but deep, feeling, sensitive people! In developing the tight bond of friendship between TJ and Adam, the producers made use of a heart-warming montage which highlighted how during group push-ups the two comrades never took their eyes off one another to better maintain their conversation, their push-ups were precisely in synch, and to better illustrate their profound affection, a cartoon heart surrounds them, inscribed with the touching letters B.F.F.

*excited squeal* As you may also know, the phrase "BFF" makes me laugh outwardly almost as much as I laugh on the inside during any length of time spent with my sitar instructor. And let me tell you, that's a lot.

I think the personal commentary by the illustrious host really rounds out this stellar spectacle. Any telephone calls made by the contestants are edited and shown as exchanges with Fabio. They often involve crying and exclamations of love. Who would not feel a vast improvement of temperament with a liberal dose of Mr. Romance in their quotidien lives? As example, let me call to attention the judging of the Romance triathlon. After roughly five minutes of careful critique and studied observation, cue Fabio on the magic mirror set:
"Chris, you are multo sexy."

*melts into a thousand puddles of surrendered femininity* at 11:35 p.m.

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