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I missed you!

It's never too late.

And I mean flushed in the non-bathroom sort of way

Weighing my pockets with stones of longing

Especially when those days are Saturday and Sunday.

They always come crawling back

< 24 Feb 2003 >

Let's see, I haven't written for a few days.

Zoe sent me an e-mail. It was kind of scary reading it because I kept looking for signs that she doesn't like me anymore. They weren't really evident, so I guess that's a good sign. I still haven't written her back.

I got a phone call from Ian in Kuwait this morning. He found out that his girlfriend back home had an abortion just a couple of weeks ago. He's pretty ripped up, and it was hard thinking of what to say to him.

Robyn cleaned the whole kitchen and vacuumed the room by herself. I'm so proud of her! I was supposed to clean the bathroom, but I decided to put it off till tonight and then what happens? Sierra and Suzy got to it first. I feel so bad. They've done that too many times! Now even Robyn's better than me on that front. Sheesh! Maybe I can convince them to let me take them out to lunch or something.

Thursday night, Adam, Seth, and Theo hung out in our room for quite some time. We went through the quote board making a game of guessing who said what. Theo was looking especially cute in his little black t-shirt. My delight in him was even enhanced when he spent time whispering into my ear how sexy I am and tossing Ritz crackers down my shirt. Funny stuff... I don't think we've ever been so silly and flirtatious around our friends before. We were in the kitchen for a minute and I shouted, "Ow! Not now!" and got some chuckles from the group. It was super fun. Key moment: when Theo put my hand on the banana in his pocket without saying anything. Oh, the expression on my face.

"New Waterford Girl" is so emo. My parents are in Mexico. They left without talking to me. I hope they can figure out how to have fun.

Friday night Suzy and Sierra and I went to Target and tried on yucky bathing suits so we didn't buy any! I bought a Frappucino and some Toblerones. Yum. Then when we got home we made this DELICIOUS pasta and watched X-files episodes. I was thrilled.

Saturday night I went to the pool party at Cowling with Theo! It was so much fun being able to swim even if the water was extra salty. I got a lot of compliments on my suit, which was fun. After we got out of the water, Theo and I hung out in the sauna in the girls' locker room for a bit. It was so warm and relaxing and fun. He is so adorable, and he kept telling me how good I looked. I can't complain! We went back to his room and I showered (yes, by myself). It was a nice shower and so I washed my hair twice. During rinse number 4, Theo came in to ask me what pizza toppings I wanted and if I could recite for him the Bill's Pizza Palace phone number which I of course have memorized. He's so cute. So we ordered a HUGE pizza and when I got out of the shower Theo looked just like one of the Americans from Jay and the Americans. What a riot! He had his hair all combed to the side and this ridiculously awesome outfit on. So I put on my vintage suit under my skirt and borrowed his shiny slippery shirt from the ball to wear over it. Then we ate pizza and he beat me at checkers like a madman. It was a blast.

After we were done eating he laid down for a minute and immediately fell fast asleep. That boy was tired! I tried to stay still as best I could and eventually fell asleep too. Woke up at 3:45 and got up to take out my contacts and clean up the pizza and checkers. I forced Theo to get up long enough to take out his contacts too. In the morning he confessed that he had been too sleepy to remember how pushy I was. We slept well and for a long time. Theo wasn't feeling very well, getting sick, so he wouldn't kiss me on the mouth. That was okay until I made him do it once. He didn't seem too upset; he went all the way to the super lounge just to buy me juice. I still haven't gotten sick. I'm not feeling so weighed down with attachment for him these last few days, which is healthy. Not that I don't love the guy, because I sure as heck do. I think I'm just feeling more steady, for whatever reason.

Sunday meant super procrastination, as always, via "The Princess Bride."

I got my Go Sailor CD today!! and even though it made me late to Latin, I still love it. Even History was okay today. I have tons of studying to do before my quiz tomorrow, and I have classes to figure out since Registration is looming overhead, but I am in a great mood. I even found a new happy way to do my hair. Things would be perfect if it were warm outside... I keep dreaming of how great summer is going to be. Ah, there's still spring... I'll get there and have tons of time by myself to be goofy and wear weird clothes and do crazy projects and march around in public listening to snappy music and seeing Theo on some young-kids-in-love tryst in the country... It'll be good. I wonder who I'll start talking to about everything, since lately I feel like it's just me and me in it for the long haul. That prospect still makes me smile anyhow because I tend to have good ideas.

Monday Night Musings at 11:12 p.m.

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