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I missed you!

It's never too late.

And I mean flushed in the non-bathroom sort of way

Weighing my pockets with stones of longing

Especially when those days are Saturday and Sunday.

They always come crawling back

< 29 November 2004 >

Well, folks, it's back in the saddle for this kid. This morning I took my mom to work and made it to Trillium two minutes early for my appointment. And was rewarded by having to wait what seemed like an eternity for the doctor to come in--20 minutes it must have been, perched on the table trying to keep that oversized paper towel in place. I wanted to go ask if someone was coming, but it's a bit difficult to find the courage when half naked and anticipating a walk-in at any moment... So I waited. And nearly fell asleep. Brilliant.

Anyway, Veronika came in eventually and apologized for the inconvenience and everything. Exam went fine; she did a few more tests than usual, but I figure it's for my health, so I gave the go-ahead. It was an... interesting... experience, certainly one I hadn't had before. And the whole time she was talking about French meals. Odd... They don't tell you about that one in school, I'll give you that much.

I decided to stop home instead of going straight to work so I could get something to eat and start walking more normally. Got to work at noon on the nose.

Here's the essential rundown of my afternoon: four and a half hours of soaking my hands in scalding water mixed with Joy and Ajax. I washed all the pans, the entire sink area, and ALL OF THE JAR LIDS IN THE STORE except for the coffee jars. My skin was not very happy by the end of it. But I got a strawberry julius and Phil treated me to a cinnamon spiced almond flavored chocolate square. Mmm.

Oooh exciting news! This cute girl came in asking for dark chocolate almond bark... I almost didn't recognize her! She has a different hair cut and isn't wearing glasses anymore, but still cute, and still the same sweet weakness. I hope she'll come in again so I can save the good pieces for her. It's a shame that it's winter---I won't see her tattoos for a while, I imagine.

Anyway, after my time was over (I quit before the stick candy rack--I'm saving that for tomorrow) I went to pick up Dad at his office. He made some quip about me talking too much, but Mom says that's not what he meant. It was pretty funny regardless.

Tara called just as I walked in the door. Sometimes listening to my friends on the phone strikes me as remarkably similar to watching a show on the WB. It's very relationshippy, has a lot of young-dialect dialogue, is to the brim with drama, and lasts about an hour. And let me just say, as much as I am concerned for them, since mostly my role is just to listen--I do find it entertaining. I mean, it takes attention away from some of the personal drama for a while, and let me tell you they have some great stories, these girlfriends of mine. Poor Tara. If only Carlos were that cool when sober. Hey now, "I didn't say nothing."

The parents went out for dinner, so I fixed myself some Thanksgiving leftovers and settled in to watch "Chocolat" and the third Harry Potter movie. It is such bad news that I bought that DVD. But also quite fabulous, because I love it so. Fuzzy (my diabetic cat) slept on my back while I watched, and now she's curled up on the couch near by.

Not much more to report. I wrote back to David Lamont, and pride myself on my uncharacteristically laconic response. Tomorrow it's off to the dentist, then work for a while as long as people keep calling "Cinderella," and then hopefully I'll make it to the antique mall to look for pins for my sister. Oh dearie I need to finish Hillary's bag. And only four weeks till I go back! It seems so short when I think about it, so perhaps it's best to ignore and forget...

Sorry this is a bit boring. Guess I should start souping up my entries? Oh I am too sleepy. I'm off to dream of magical adolescence.

Return of Parking Ramp Girl and soapy water at 11:45 p.m.

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