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I missed you!

It's never too late.

And I mean flushed in the non-bathroom sort of way

Weighing my pockets with stones of longing

Especially when those days are Saturday and Sunday.

They always come crawling back

< Day 43 >

I had such a great morning that I had to cover my smile with my scarf while I did the excited face on the way home from Anatole France. I got almost enough sleep last night and my reasons for not definitely getting enough sleep made me happy (journaling, daydreaming, self-love with an unbelievably great finish, and a totally thrilling episode in Yvain). Thought more last night too about getting a tattoo.

Got up late around 7:15 but left in good time - the walk was only ten minutes, even across the tracks, and the weather was beautiful! Cool and comfortable and above all DRY. Classes went great (really well behaved kids!) and, though this could be considered a bad thing by some, I discovered that my first assumptions about Mle Dadi�s were correct - she is kind of awful! I met M. Bonafos in the salle des ma�tres where I was making photo copies and he seemed chipper and excited about the first day - as much so as Chico could be, anyway. Offered to do photocopies for me, assured me the classroom was fully equipped and everything. Even offered me magnets during class! On the way up from the cour, however, I met Mle Dadi�s and wanted to verify with her that I should be in her room around 9:15. She kept asking who told me that, and I was kind of like um... The principal. We can change it though, if you prefer... and she went off on some rant about not choosing (though I really don't see how it would make that much difference if she's going to have it that morning no matter what and there's only one other period before recess). When M. Bonafos came out, she just lost it. He kept trying to explain that he hadn't made the decision either, that he'd just been told by the principal, but she would have none of it, acting like there had to be a conspiracy against her. They both got into this screaming match - I could not believe how long it lasted - in front of the kids and everything! It was horrid. I felt like a little kid listening to my parents fight. Awful. And after class she got all high and mighty because I didn't know Niagara Falls but I just couldn't understand her accent. AND she interrupted MY class for the seul purpose of grilling a kid about how he could possibly know any words in Chinese. Jesus. Looking back, this could have felt like a bad morning, but really the kids were so great... I guess I would be well behaved, too, if I were in fear for my life.

On the way home I realized how close I was to the older districts, noticed some beautiul architecture I'd missed before, and saw a breathtaking view of the Cathedral towers. There was a used clothing bazaar of sorts going on in the Parking of Rue Parerie, and I noticed for the first time the "�choppe m�di�vale" (French equivalent of Ye Olde Medieval Shoppe) with hilarious RPG announcements on the door so I stopped in. Met some very funny and very nice fellows in medieval garb (think SCA), talked about the resto Tombouctou, and bought some of that medieval ap�ritif that Laurent had. Fabulous! Am waiting for a special occasion to open it.

Got home and took a long, delicious nap during which I had a very long dream involving a rather twisted relationship between myself and some bookstore clerks. The ending was rather vague, but I remember it being pretty steamy and wonderful, and me with this hot "devil may care" attitude throughout... Mmm. I liked that one. I can only describe the scenario as "defiant submission". It felt good. Easy, even. Perfect.

Seeing as how we elementary school teachers don't work on Wednesdays, after an afternoon of drinking wine by myself and imagining nice things, I went out with my colleagues to celebrate with some overpriced Indian food and then, well, more drinks. To mix things up a bit we went to Le Centaur�e.

Highlights: giggling fits with Rahel. I'm sure everyone thought we were crazy; even I didn't know why I was laughing. Will doing a hilarious impression of an American tourist and then watching his face as he remembered that I'm from the States. Talking with Rahel about the RPG guys. Meeting Stephanie from the village. The "what girls do in the bathroom together" conversation. My impending "escapade" with Laurent: according to Will, he was speaking well of my history interest, and now we're to go galavanting around the countryside together. There's talk of going to Perpignan, too.

Walked Jessica home; discovered a gay bar down the street from my house. Hope to make tomorrow a combination of working ahead and relaxing. I love France right now, except for being away from everyone, that I could do without.

Feats of Strength at 6:42 p.m.

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