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I missed you!

It's never too late.

And I mean flushed in the non-bathroom sort of way

Weighing my pockets with stones of longing

Especially when those days are Saturday and Sunday.

They always come crawling back

< Day 64 >

I dreamt that I was inches from being hit by a speeding truck but pulled back at the last minute to feel it hurtle past. The proximity of the near-miss left burn marks on the closest shoulder. They took a moment to appear, but we were looking for them - the person I was with said that was usually what happened to survivors like me.

At six-thirty I awoke to a good morning call from K. You can imagine I was in good spirits, starting the day off like that. I got dressed and called him back - we talked for about a half an hour. Excited about his potential apprenticeship. He says he misses working with kids. I think if I ever saw him in charge in young ones, I would get pregnant just out of sheer will.

My first half-class was utterly humiliating. The kids didn't respect me; they were making fun of my accent and everything, then Mlle Dadi�s made me point out the bad ones in front of the class which I hate, but I couldn't disobey her... However, my second class kicked ass: it was so much fun! Everyone was working and listening and participating and we did the concours kind of like au th��tre and Florent said things like, "Ce n'�tait pas de conte de f�e, mais.." or "Deux ans plus tard..." when there was a long pause in the dialogue. It cracked me up. Never interrupted, though, and comments were thoughtful and productive. So fabulous! I had a blast. They even asked if we could keep doing English after and even during recess! Hard to believe these are the youngest ones I teach.

On the way home I stopped at that little market I pass by and found some croquants aux amandes! The old guy working there said to tell my mom hello.

Big news around here - the lingerie store across the street is sponsoring part of the Miss Narbonne competition. Maybe I should get tickets.

Ooh la la! at 6:42 p.m.

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