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I missed you!

It's never too late.

And I mean flushed in the non-bathroom sort of way

Weighing my pockets with stones of longing

Especially when those days are Saturday and Sunday.

They always come crawling back

< 5 mars 2004 >

Oh my goody goody!

It's really only 7:45 where I'm usually writing from. This is so crazy!

Well, kiddos, it's Bintou radio-ing in from Bamako city, Mali-la. Whoop what. It has been so long! I'm at Hotel Komoguel and for once the cyber is working... Reading e-mails and diary entries and such puts me all in the mood for home and I am so excited about seeing all my favorite people again! E Allah! I had my final "interrogation" this morning at Point Sud around 11. I talked A LOT and I guess it went well. I can't believe it's over! holy cow. I still have to write my paper, too, but tonight is the party and I'm so nervous about the dance we are performing for our families and worried about hoovering all over my traditional costume. I have been sick the last few days, you know... This morning was cold! I bet it was about 90 degrees. Oooh dogies. You know what I am most excited about? FOOD. LOTS AND LOTS OF NON-RICE-AND-SAUCE FOOD. Granted, I love Malian food, but I am ready for a change into something familiar.


You girls are absolutely the greatest greatest girls that ever lived. and I just cannot wait to see you oh how I've missed you both! lots and lots of love (and presents too!) waiting for you from me... *does the excited shoulder shrug she picked up from Jessica Salvatore whilst in Mali*

I know I have about keme duuru bi saba ni naani choses to write about. I still haven't finished keeping up in my book journal (that's for the airplane delays) but I will have fun things to say soon! Because life is funtastic, y'all know.

Word on the streets is that there will be drunken sledding for my friends tonight. Oh if only! I shall miss drinking millet beer from a calebasse, though, and having Cherif cheer me on singing "Viva viva viva lait!" What a crazy world we live in, eh?

This probably makes very little to no sense, but the essentiel is: I am happy and happy to be coming home. Ready yourselves.

N bonyana malila!

Bintou (the artiste previously known as Allison Claire)

The Ghost of Christmas Pabst at 1:37 p.m.

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