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I missed you!

It's never too late.

And I mean flushed in the non-bathroom sort of way

Weighing my pockets with stones of longing

Especially when those days are Saturday and Sunday.

They always come crawling back

< 26 october 2004 >

Last weekend I got drunk with Kate and Patrick while watching Anne. We drank most of a bottle of Old Crow and took lots of drunken pictures. In a shocking confessional conversation, Patrick divulged some dirty details of his masturbatory habits and then successfully sollicited some out of me. But it's all okay since I got a date out of it... Kate and I shall soon venture out to find her a new toy. I find it hard to believe that Kate doesn't have a vibrator yet, especially after that article that Anne Lamott wrote about them. But I will admit that I'm happy to initiate her. Just another step in our pseudo-girlfriend relationship, I guess. Besides, I might get something out of this too. I know I splurged pretty recently, but Caitlin keeps hounding me about getting a rabbit, and I think it's as good a cause as any...

After a sidenote about how much he loves belly buttons because they're the last stop on the way down to giving oral sex (lucky Lisa, assuming they're still together like that), Patrick promptly got very very sick. He stayed relatively coherent, though, even clever. At one point he mentioned how he'd heard that massaging one's thighs is a good way to combat nausea. *cough* Kate gave me a look and asked if he wanted help. HA. So here's the picture: me sitting in a dark room with my roommates passed out in bed and me thinking about wanting to kiss Kate, and Kate massaging Patrick's thighs. Goodness.

I got out of there, went to ask Joe where I can find plastic bags, he persuades me to check out the weather on the balcony and it's beautiful. The kind of crazy wind that makes my breathing a little shallow. I was reluctant to leave that view for poor sick Patrick, but I had duties to attend to. Eventually got him home safely, and I collapsed in bed around 3:45 a.m.

Saturday night was the sleazy Italians party for which I had the guts to wear the scandalously-short-on-one-side zipper dress and my boots. Wore the white ripped tights from last year--y'know the ones that Theo said made me look like I'd walked into a paper shredder after HE himself very willingly helped them get that way... Suzy gave me some crazy make-up as well. I have to say that seeing Scott and Ben grab each others asses reapeatedly saying "mi scusi" has to be one of the funniest things of all time. This party was a total slut fest, meaning it inspired shameless slut-dom among its participants. Not necessarily a bad thing all the time. Saw a unique spin on revenge on Sierra's part, though, after Joe gyrated in her face for a bit (funny, funny). The idea, I believe, was to dance with Joe in a "flirtatious" manner and then leave him disappointed when we didn't go any farther than that. In the end, however, I wonder if it wasn't just something nice and flirtatious that we accomplished. I mean, if three people as hot as we are all circled around me, I think I'd be pretty pumped no matter how little they put out. Maybe I'm giving us too much credit.

Anyhow, it was a fun, hot party and I danced and felt envious of Sierra and Suzy's dancing as always. Maybe over break I can practice or something... Ugh. What a lamo.

Spent Saturday night at Theo's. A couple weekends' worth of antics led to a full cup of apple cider being spilled on the bed with me in it. COLD and STICKY. Not a good combination in my mind. That mess aside, however, it was a night most easy on the ego, and with few questionable side effects. I wish I could put something like "Credited with perfect sex ass" on my resume. If I had a resume. Shoot.

Today is Tuesday, Isabel's birthday. She sent me a cute e-mail that reminds me how fun and exciting youth used to be. The weekend was over quickly, and last night after Flashdance things got pretty crummy following a housing misunderstanding. Theo surprised me with a rather vindictive profile message (that medium is in poor taste in my opinion as well) and proceeded to be a tad difficult to understand. Much confusion and frustration. However, Suzy spent some time reading me the top 100 breast euphemisms which led to a discussion of the etymology of "bazongas" which cheered me up significantly, and dinner seemed to patch things up some. Badminton was a blast as usual, with me getting pelted in the stomach with a torpedo slam that left a red circle on my skin for a good 20 minutes. Taking one for the team! I also met with Victoria Morse this afternoon to make sure my MARS concentration is all squared away, and was blessed with an appearance by her hubby. He actually, literally leapt with joy when he heard I was taking a supplementary capstone seminar. SO cute. Plus, I think I may have just weaseled my way into his Medieval Latin group study for next term. HELLS YEAH. I am super excited. Also got my new job as a French tutor and talked with my new boss about rocky mountain oysters and the shared experience that we have of immunizing large farm animals.

It's a crazy world here, folks.

Somehow, everything seems to be about naughty body parts. at 7:50 p.m.

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