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I missed you!

It's never too late.

And I mean flushed in the non-bathroom sort of way

Weighing my pockets with stones of longing

Especially when those days are Saturday and Sunday.

They always come crawling back

< 24 September 2003 >

So today Suzy lent me her awesome headphones that are sooo comfy...

I downloaded some Microphones music.

I read and wrote about Le Gone du Chaaba, for French class. *pat on back*

We all went to the snack bar with Damon after the fire drill and I ate another hot dog and another pickle and another smoothie and another caramel apple and it was delicious.

Suzy and I walked downtown to return movies, and I had Barbara Allen stuck in my head, and we walked through the alley to look at old buildings that would be scary at night but are beautiful and intriguing and fun during the day, and the house where we want to live if there was a lake in front of it instead of pavement. I felt quiet, and it was very pleasant and happy and peaceful. I love walking downtown with Suzy; it makes everything feel right in the world.

Besides, the weather was GORGEOUS today and kind of breezy and I had on fun clothes that I didn't care about.

I memorized the map of Africa today with Suzy's help. And we played with Pygar (our fish). And on the way home from downtown we both got headaches and all we wanted to do was sit down where we were and stare at nothing. Still sounds kind of nice. I won't have my reading done tomorrow, but right now I don't feel so bad about it. Tomorrow night, Theo and I are going to the Film Society movie. So here's to me being productive before then!

Tomorrow I would like to wear something that makes me happy and not care about other people's expectations.

Sometimes being quiet is like saying things to myself that are really wise. How great.

P.S. I love school and everything I am learning! Except for all the scary work I have to do. Everything else is cookies.

downtown walking is cookies at 12:34 a.m.

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