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I missed you!

It's never too late.

And I mean flushed in the non-bathroom sort of way

Weighing my pockets with stones of longing

Especially when those days are Saturday and Sunday.

They always come crawling back

< 15 November 2003 >

I am all jittery.

I have a surprise letter for Theo about coming to visit him for our birthdays. I really want to give it to him, but feel like maybe that would ruin the surprise?

Also, Jeremy Mims asked me to call him today and I think it would be great to talk to him, but I am nervous, and wonder whether he meant it.

To top it off, I have a large amount of work to do, and little efficient motivation.

I hope my sister is doing okay; she was in a car accident this week, and I haven't been able to talk to her yet. She never calls me, just tells my parents to ask me to call her again.

Thankfully, last night was really really fun. We played semi-drunken twister challenge featuring Suzy, Alexis, me, awesome music, and appearances by Theo and Jeremy Carr. It was super, even though the "congratulatory" beer was awfully disgusting.

After the game, we sat around, Bennet joined us, (Theo went home with a headache) and we chatted about random fun slumber party things in the dark with our party lights and happy music. And everybody got along, and everybody was friends, and it was peachy and comfortable. I had good happy-self feelings. I left at 2:00 or so to go to Theo's. I had hardly gotten in the door... He's a good match for me. I saw one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in the moonlight, and I hope I can remember it... It's hard to describe, but maybe I can draw it one day.

I am psyched about being Ian's best man.

I put my shoes outside the window because they smell bad.

Well, at least I'm willing to admit it!

Okay, okay, back to work... Need to get those creative juices flowing for my projet autobiographique. Shoot. I forgot I have to read about the Spider King this weekend too. Hm... Maybe I won't be going to Theo's tonight after all. Maybe Wednesday. Zoe says she's calling. I'll check in later.

Chin up, kids.

Allison Claire

Goonies never say die! at 8:24 p.m.

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